Rulers of India | Mughal lords| Battle and Conquest & End of the empire


Indian Rulers Archives - Open Naukri


                                       The Mughals were warrior horsemen from central Asia who swept through northern India in the 16th century. their rulers built a great empires in which Hindu and Muslim people lived side by side in relative peace.

    The mughals invaded India in 1526 under the command of the warrior Babur. They captured the important northern Indian city of Delhi, and babur became the first Mughal emperor. Within 150 years, his descendants had expanded their empire to include most of India
                      The mughals ruled over 150 million people. A Muslim people, they were tolerant towards the religion of their Hindu subjects. The emperors were lavish patrons of the arts, and their craftsmen built many beautiful buildings. Yet only a century after reaching the height of its power, the mughal empire had lost most of its territory.


From the mid-16  century, the mughal empire entered a golden age during which its rulers established a strong government and conquered new territories. they grew wealthy and powerful, leaving behind great monuments, many of which survive to this day.

Akbar "The Great" (1556-1605)

The third emperor, Akbar, is considered one of the greatest rulers of all time. He was fierce to his enemies, defeating the Afghans and Uzbeks, and conquering Gujarat and Bengal. But he was wise and gentle with his subjects, allying with the Hindu Rajput kings, who joined his empire, tolerance across the empire.

Akbar's son, Jahangir, focused more on managing the empire than conquering new territory. but he did defeat the last of the Rajputs who had who has refused his father's alliance. Jahangir was a great patron of the arts. during his reign, Mughal painters developed an exquisite new style based on carefully recording the world around them.

Shah Jahan(1627-58)

Shah Jahan, who had rebelled against his father, Jahangir, took the throne on his father's death. Shah jahan expanded the mughal empire and built a new city, named shahjahanabad. Shah jahan was an active patron of religion and the arts. Mughal architecture flourished under his rule, and he ordered the Taj Mahal built as a mausoleum for his wife.

   Mughal art
Art and architecture flourished under the mughals. Manuscripts with delicate paintings were especially prized. These now provide us with lots of information about the mughal court. The emperors ordered new cities full of wonderful buildings to be constructed, such as Fatehpur Sikri and shahjahanabad. Some of their buildings, such as the taj mahal at Agra, are world famous to this day. 

The taj mahal

taj mahal, india, building, architecture, structure, taj mahal ...
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Shah jahan ordered the taj mahal to be built as a tomb for his wife, the mughal empress Mumtaz Mahal. The white marble building took 17 years to complete and was desidned to represent paradise.

Battle and conquest

The mughal empire was founded after a great battle at Panipat near Delhi in april 1526, where Babur,s   
army of just 12,000 defeated an enemy force of 100,000 men and 1,000 elephants. Babur's men had the advantage of gunpowder weapons(cannons and hand-guns), which their opponents lacked. The Mughal  army went on to conquer other indian kingdoms, and absorbed their warriors into its ranks, gaining well - trained heavy cavalry and eventually amassing 100,000 men.

The end of the empire

Shah jahan's son, Aurangzeb,.conquered new provinces in the south of India, expanding mughal territory by a quarter. But the empire came under attack from a new power, the Maratha confederacy. Constant wars drained the mughal treasury and the empire began to crumble. Aurangzeb was also unpopular with Hindu and other non- Muslim subjects. Afters he died in 1707, the empire fell apart, with weak rulers unable to defend it from its enemies. In 1739, the Persian ruler nadir shah invaded, sacking the city of Delhi and carrying off many mughal treasures. By 1857, the mughals ruled only central Delhi. Emperor Bahahdur shah joined a rebellion against the British  in 1857. He was deposed and the mughal Empire came to an end.

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